Okay so I'm in the beginning stages of a project for school where I have to put a learner profile together. Basically, I have to take a student under 18 (I have tonnes of cousins to use) and based on their age I'm supposed to analyse them through the eyes of some psychologists. While reading though, I got to thinking about about today Valentine's Day and decided I'd do a little analyses of my friends. No, No Freud... even though he does make for some interesting reading; the little pervert.
The psychologist I'd like to look at is Abraham Maslow. In essence Mr. Maslow suggested that there is a hierarchy of needs that need to be met before one is self fulfilled.

Here is the model. Lets analyse. Now at the very bottom of the "Needs" Pyramid is your Physiological Needs: these include your need for somewhere to sleep, food to eat and clean water to drink... Mr. Maslow also suggests that sex should be at the bottom of this table. Above this is Safety and Security, Love and Belongingness, Self Esteem and then friends when you have met all these needs you become Self Actualized. This is you at your optimum! At the risk of really exposing myself as the mean girl I try so hard to shake... Doesn't this explain alot? We need sex more than we need to think highly of ourselves. We need sex more than we need to be loved. We need sex more than we need to know that no one is gonna come kick off our door at night, yes we need the house but it doesn't really need to be all that safe as long as we can have sex in it? With the equation of sleep to sex or even air to sex am I to assume that without it I will die? Or better yet since sex is equal to air or water or food does the quality sex aids in development since polluted air and malnutrition stunts growth?
Dis Missa Maslow is a smart man yuh nuh!!! I need sex bad like a hawtbeat! bad like di food a 'eat bad like di air I breeeeeeed!!! lol bap bap bap!!!
ReplyDeleteI think in order to climb the hierarchy, one must be getting high quality supplements of whatever it is that is comprised in that stage. So achieving the highest quality in the air, water, food, shelter, sex will MOST definitely take you to stage 2 etc